Module 1:

Energopolitics and Urban Industrial Entanglements


Monday September 20

Welcome and Introduction,  lecture hall IV, Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße 2

Lunch Break

Tour to Halle Neustadt: Post-Socialist and Post-Industrial Urban Entanglements, Geschichtswerkstatt Halle-Neustadt

Lecture and Discussion with Eeva Kesküla (Tallinn): Post-Socialism, Class and Time in Estonian and Kasakhstani Mining Communities, lecture hall IV, Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße 2

Dinner, Seminar für Ethnologie, Reichardstrasse 11

Tuesday September 21

Lecture and Workshop with Siarhei Liubimau (Vilnius): Notions for Nuclear Energy / City Entanglements, lecture hall IV, Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße 2

Lunch Break

Field Trip: Energizing the city – Post-Carbon futures of Halle, Stadtwerke Halle, Energiepark Dieselstraße

Module 2:

Energy Pasts, Energy Futures

Wednesday September 22

Workshop with Felix Ringel (Durham): Energy, Society and Time, Hörsaal IV

Lunch Break

Workshop with Felix Ringel (Durham): Exploring and Comparing Energy Pasts and Futures, Hörsaal IV

Interdisciplinary Conversation with Ralf B. Wehrspohn (Halle): Physics: Circular Economy of Light Elements – What’s Next?, Hörsaal IV

Thursday September 23

Lecture and Discussion with Mette M. High (St. Andrews): Energy Dilemmas, Hörsaal IV

Lunch Break

Work on individual projects, Hörsaal IV

Lecture and Discussion with Abdou Maliq Simon (Sheffield), online: Dirty Computing: Urban Production at the end of the End of the Line, Hörsaal IV

Film ScreeningFilm screening with Werkleitz: HABITAT (2017) and talk with director Emerson Culurgioni, Hörsaal IV

Module 3:

Landscapes of Coal

Friday September 24

Field Trip to an Active Open-pit Lignite Mine in Profen

Field Trip: Lost Places? Picnic at a Former Cold War Bunker and Flooded Lignite Mine Klobikauer Höhe and Geiseltalsee

Workshop with Tobias Holzlehner (Halle): Ethnographies of Late Industrialism, lecture hall IV, Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße 2

Saturday September 25

Workshop with Tobias Holzlehner and  Amy Walker (Halle): Walking and talking through ruins, Hörsaal IV

Lunch Break

Field Trip: Exploring the Multiple Pasts of Forest Scapes in Dölauer Heide

Final Discussion

Dinner,  Seminar für Ethnologie, Reichardstrasse 11